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BESTPAC Industrial Water

BESTPAC Industrial Water -cum- Smoke Tube Boiler is the highly efficient industrial boiler on Fluidized Bed Combustion Technology that delivers high thermal efficiency with low cost maintenance. Our boilers are designed to attain highest steam and water holding capacity which ensures better boiler performance during fluctuating load; safe operation and reduced fuel combustion.

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  • High Heat Transfer Area
  • Minimum site work, low installation costs
  • Easy access for cleaning and inspection
  • Low Stack Temperature
  • Low Fuel Consumption
  • Longer Life and reliable performance
  • High Steam & Water Storage
  • The higher degree of Equipment's Reliability

Our every endeavour has been to offer quality products with World Class Leading Edge Technology and Energy Efficiency. This has been time and again proved by all our installations and the repeat orders given by our discerning and esteemed clients.

Multiple Fuel Combination

Combination Fuel

BESTPAC Benefits

BESTPAC Boiler is a unique design membrane water wall stype boiler combining the advantages of water tube & smoke tube designs, The radiation zone of the furnace is covered on three sides by water tubes forming the first pass and the conventional smoke tube shell has tubes lined up forming the second and third pass of flue gases.

Thus, the water wall fumnace recovers the radiation heat of the furnace and the smoke tube shell provides large water & steam holding capacities to give the maximum advantage.

Working Principle

The filling of the boiler is done through a feed pipe connection. This water flows through the water wall membrane. It circulates the water from the water wall membrane to pressurized part of the boiler. As firing is done it raises the temperature of water of water wall membrane, it goes through the perforated pipe and mixes with water which is present in the pressurized part of the boiler.

The smoke is emitted from flames and flow through the smoke tubes. The pressure part is full of water. When the temperature of the smoke tubes raises, there is the formation of steam in the top space of the boiler. Steam is collected through the steam outlet. Man Hole is given for cleaning purpose.


  • The flexibility of fuels with choice of agro waste fuels.
  • High thermal efficiency and low operating costs.
  • Minimum Choking hence Lower Cleaning Frequency.
  • Optimum resistance of flue gas path.
  • Heat recovery unit may be offered for increased efficiency.
  • High quality electrical components.
  • Centralized control unit and electrical control panel
  • Automatic water level control and safety systems.
  • Combines the advantage of water tube and smoke tube designs.
  • Dependable quality of components like valves, pumps, safeties & instruments.
  • Energy-efficient components of reputed brands.
  • Very High THERMAL EFFICIENCY due to efficient Combustion & Minimum Radiation Losses.
  • Minimum usage of Refractory in Furnace hence Lower Maintenance Minimum Air Leakage.
  • Easy in Operation, Maintenance & Cleaning

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